Sunday, July 29, 2018

Menomonie Falls

       We were pleased to have cooler weather for this event in mid-July.  Putting on the wool clothing wasn't too bad.

Rochester Minnesota

                  We were pleased to use our newly refurbished cannon tube at this event.
                                It is a 12 pound Napolean replica.

Captain Henry Dillon

Capt. Henry Dillon 1828-1882

Henry Dillon was the first Captain of the 6th Wisconsin Battery 1861-1864. He was 33 years old when he helped start the Battery in 1861. Henry had served in the Mexican War as a member of Braxton Bragg's Battery serving under officers George H. Thomas, T. W. Sherman and John F. Reynolds. A large portion of men came from Lone Rock, Spring Green and Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin. Although, there were many men from other small communities in the Sauk, Richland and Iowa Counties and counties beyond. Henry's occupation was a Taylor.  His Taylor Shop in Richland City (city now washed away from Wisconsin River banks) was used for recruitment.  Please find ....Find Soldiers Grave... on the above link and read more about Henry Dillon.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Berlin, Wis July 3,2018

Berlin is a favorite of 6th Wis Battery. The kick-off to their event was Tuesday July 3, 2018.
Hope to see you next year !